Wednesday, November 10

A Year in Review

It has been an exciting year filled with "entertaining" and "educational" assignments at Entertaining Education! For your final assignment, create a portfolio of the work you have done this year.

1) What parties have you learned how to plan and create?
2) Which activities did you enjoy the most?
3) Which parties would you most like to plan in real life in the future?
4) How will you use what you learned this year?

The Greatest Show on Earth!

With clowns, elephants, trapeze artists, and more, the circus has been called "the greatest show on earth." How can you use a circus theme to plan one of the greatest parties on earth?

There are some great ideas for circus-themed party games here:

On this website, people sent in descriptions of parties they threw with circus themes. Which ones do you like best?

Other ideas:

Tuesday, September 28

Remembering Our Ancestors: Family History Month

What gifts did you inherit from your ancestors? What ways did they shape who you are today? October is Family History Month! (See here:

One way to honor and remember ancestors is to remember the special moments in their lives and celebrate them in your life. For example, in the traditional Chinese culture, families keep pictures of their ancestors on a special wall in the room that is used for family gatherings. This month, plan a celebration to honor your ancestors in some way.

Make a list of special days in your family's history, including your ancestors' birthdays or weddings. Turn this list into a family tree or a family history calendar.

Here are some websites to get your started on compiling a family history to remember your ancestors:

Safety First!

An important part of planning parties for children is ensuring the safety of your pint-sized guests. Young children are naturally curious and adventurous, and while this makes their parties fun and exciting, it can also make it difficult to monitor everyone.

This month, plan a children's party that will be fun for children AND adults. What will you do to make sure that the children are having fun, but that the adults do not have to spend the whole party watching the kids? How will you plan activities that keep the kids engaged and safe?

Here are some websites about child safety:

Cowboys and Art

Great job planning a cowboy party at the Western Art Museum! What a great day!

Thursday, September 9

Halloween Party Pre-planning

It's never too early to start planning a Halloween-themed party! Think of traditional things associated with Halloween: ghosts, jack-o-lanterns, monsters, spiderwebs, and more. What ways can you plan a Halloween party in your own unique way, putting a twist on those traditional themes?

Here are some websites to help you:

Yee Haw Cowboy Party!

You're Wanted... to Plan a Cowboy Themed-Party!

Make a list of items, food, music, and activities associated with cowboys and the Wild West. How will you incorporate these things into a cowboy (or cowgirl!)- themed party?

Yee Haw!

Celebrating 80 Years

Looks like everyone had a wonderful time at Jackie's 80th birthday party extravaganza! Congrats on a successful party!

Saturday, August 21

Milestone Birthday Party

There are a few "big" birthdays in life that deserve special recognition: 16th, 21st, 30th, 50th, and so on! In fact, one of the nicest things we can do for each other is to remember and celebrate birthdays, especially these milestone birthdays, with family and friends.

This month's assignment is to plan a milestone birthday party for someone special in your life. To give you some ideas for what to do to make this party special, I am going to share some memories and pictures from my favorite party that I ever threw for someone: my grandmother's 80th birthday party. It was just last year!

My grandparents live in Vermont, and with the help of my mother and her three siblings, we planned a surprise party for my grandmother's 80th birthday. All of her family was able to be there, and all of her local friends managed to keep the secret for three long months of planning. And she sure was surprised! Here is a picture of her when she first arrived:

We wanted to add some "special touches" to the party, so we collected old pictures from family and friends and put them into giant collage frames. We told guests to bring memories and photographs instead of gifts, and we collected these momentos in a keepsake box that my grandmother now keeps on her side table. Here is a picture of my aunt giving a toast. You can see the collage frames behind her:

We also created a book of "Momisms," or the sayings and bits of advice that she used to say when her children and grandchildren were growing up. When printed with old photographs, the book made a nice keepsake and made everyone laugh! I then typed up all the "Momisms" onto favors and, with candy attachments, distributed them to all the guests. I got the advice: "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" and "You better eat it or you're going to wear it!" Finally, my aunt brought along her singing group and they serenaded my grandmother with her favorite Frank Sinatra songs, and of course, Happy Birthday! Here are some pictures of my grandmother's book, myself with my aunt and mother (holding up our "Momism" favors), and the chorus:

When we talked to my grandmother after the party, she said her favorite part was what everyone had said in their toasts and written on their keepsake notes. After all, if you have lived 80 years, you have touched a lot of lives and it is nice to feel appreciated and loved on such a milestone birthday.

After you plan and successfully throw a milestone birthday, please share your photographs here, too.

Saturday, July 31

National Day of __________ Party!

There are popular holidays, like Christmas and Thanksgiving, and then there are the "National Day of ______" holidays. Did you know that July 30 was National Cheesecake Day, and that there are National Days for hugging, grandparents, blue jeans, ice cream, and even pets?

Here are two websites that lists hundreds of "national" holidays. They are organized by date, so pay particular attention to AUGUST. Find a day that you think is funny and could lead to a good party. Plan a party around the special one-day celebration.

Here are some of my favorites that make me laugh. What are yours??
National Underwear Day
National Fresh Breath Day
National Creamsicle Day
National Potato Day (mmmm french fries!!)
National Toasted Marshmallows Day (mmmm s'mores!!)

It's a Bird, It's a Plane... It's a Superhero Party!

Each summer, two big conventions celebrate superheroes, science fiction, comic books, and all things entertainment. First, there is "Comic-Con," held each July in Los Angeles. Then, there is "Dragon-Con," held this August in Atlanta. Thousands of people dress up as their favorite characters from movies, television, and comic books to attend the conventions, and there are all sorts of special parties and events planned during the convention weekends.

Taking a cue from the fans of Comic-Con and Dragon-Con, design your own theme party to celebrate your favorite superhero, science fiction, or comic book characters.

To help you plan, here are some articles about the conventions:,1.shtml

New logo!

Great job designing a logo for the "Celebration Center"!

Monday, June 28

Creating a Business Plan

Over the past nine months, you have learned a lot about party planning. Now it is time to develop your "party brand" and create a mock company.

In order to do this, you must develop a business plan that includes some important features to attract customers. You are advertising yourself and your services, and you want people to want you!

In your business plan, include:
- Your company name

- A slogan/motto (This is a short, catchy phrase that describes what your company does. It should be memorable, so that when people hear it, they think of you. Some examples might be: "It's everywhere you want to be" (VISA), "Once you pop, you can't stop" (PRINGLES), "Just do it" (NIKE), or "I'm lovin' it" (MCDONALDS).)

- A mission statement (This is a longer statement of what your company's goals are. What do you want your guests to experience and/or remember about your parties?)

- A logo (This is a colorful graphic that represents your company. It should include some symbols of your company- like a party hat or streamers, for example- and the company name.)

To get ideas for your party planning business, including a name, slogan, mission statement, and logo, spend some time searching the Internet for other examples of businesses. What good ideas can you take from other companies to turn into your own?

Let's Make A Deal: Contracts

Now that you have a business plan in place, it is time to practice writing an event contract and perfecting your negotiation skills.

In your event contract, it will be important to identify the following:
- Date, time, and location of party
- Brief description of party project
- Cost
- Deadlines for payment
- What is included in fee (such as decorations, music, etc.)
- What is NOT included in fee (such as food, etc.)
- How conflicts/problems will be resolved

Tips for Writing:

Sample Contracts:

What will your sample party contract look like?

Sunday, May 30

Summer Blockbuster Party

In addition to sunny weather, vacations, and ice cream, another great thing about summer is all the new movies that come to theaters! Summer is the best time for blockbuster, hit movies. There are a ton of new movies coming out between Memorial Day (May 31) and Labor Day (September 1), including:
Iron Man 2
Robin Hood
Shrek 3
Prince of Persia
The A-Team
Toy Story 3
The Karate Kid

The list goes on and on! For this assignment, choose one movie that you have seen or are excited about seeing and plan a SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER PARTY around its release. You can plan party music, decorations, food, and games based on your movie choice.

For example, if I was to plan a KARATE KID party, I could have a Chinese pinata and some Chinese food since the movie takes place in China. I would organize party games where guests could win different color belts, like yellow, white, or black, to represent karate belts. The Black Belt would go to the winner of the most games. We might have a special screening of the ORIGINAL Karate Kid movie and eat popcorn, like we were at the theater.

What Blockbuster will you use to plan your summer party? What music, decorations, food, and games will be involved?

Plan Early for July 4th!

July 4th is the busiest party day of the year, surpassing even Christmas and New Year's Eve. Traditional July 4th celebrations might involve a parade, an outdoor cookout, or fireworks. But there are all kinds of ways to make your Independence Day party unique and fun. Check out the following websites and decide what you would do if you were planning a July 4th party.
(This website has some information about food, desserts, crafts, and history of July 4th.)
(This website has some ideas for party games and crafts.)
(This website has information about party themes and decorations.)

Wednesday, May 5

Listen and Learn

This month, in addition to planning a cultural celebration, you should also find a way to survey your "clients." This can mean any friends or family for whom you would someday like to plan a party. Ask them the following questions and then examine your results. What did their answers tell you about why it is important for party planners to listen to and learn from their clients?

1) What was your favorite party as a child? Why?

2) What do you like best about parties now? Food, music, decorations, friends?

3) If you could plan a party for your FAVORITE holiday or occasion, what party would you plan and why? What would you be sure to include?

4) If someone were planning a party for you, what should they know about you and your personality and tastes?

Cultural Celebration

In honor of today's holiday, Cinco de Mayo (the fifth of May), this month's assignment is to plan a CULTURAL CELEBRATION. For this assignment, choose a culture that you are interested inand would like to learn more about. You could select your culture based on your favorite foods: Chinese, Mexican, Indian, Thai, Italian, Ethiopian, or ANYTHING else!

Before you plan your party, you should learn more about that country's holidays, beliefs, celebrations, language, clothing, habits, and-- of course-- food and decorations. Using or, type in your country of choice and start taking notes!

1) What did you learn about your new culture that you can use to plan a cultural celebration?

2) What are some common foods that will be included at your celebration?

For even more ideas, contact your local restaurants that serve your culture's foods. Find a menu online or in the store to help you plan!

3) How will you decorate your party in a way that represents your new culture?

4) What type of music and activities will you play to teach your guests about the culture?

5) What are some common phrases in your country's language that you could learn and share with your party guests?

Some suggestions might be: Hello, Goodbye, Thank you, You're welcome, and Enjoy the party!

Wednesday, March 31

Graduation Party

One important tradition at this time of year is graduation! No matter what age or "grade" you are graduating from, it is a very exciting time for the graduates and their families. Often, graduations are accompanied by big celebrations that honor the graduate's accomplishments and hard work.

What do you think are important parts of a graduation party?

Graduations are inspiring times, too. It is an end to school, but a beginning to a whole new life. There are many famous quotations about graduation. Gather some of your favorite quotations from the following websites and compile them in a creative way to celebrate YOUR favorite graduate this year. You could put them into a scrapbook, on a collage, or organize them in whatever way you like.

Spring has Sprung!

A new season is here, and what better inspiration for a party than the coming of spring! One of the best parts of spring is the new life it brings: birds can be heard chirping again, little critters come out of hibernation, and flowers poke through the ground.

For this assignment, think of something related to spring and plan a party around that theme. Some suggestions:
  • Gardening: Plant a flower or even a whole garden. Make a compost area.
  • Animal life: Go birdwatching, to the zoo, or to a petting zoo.
  • Earth Day: Learn about Earth Day's history. Turn off the lights to conserve energy. Plant a tree!
  • Picnics
  • Hiking
More ideas:

There are many places around that can help you get into the spring spirit and give you good ideas for your party.

Oakhurst Community Garden:
Emory Community Garden:
Earth Day Initiative:
Atlanta Dogwood Festival:

Sunday, February 28

Go Green!

If March Madness is not your thing, March is also a good time to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Even if you are not Irish, a St. Patrick's Day party can still be fun.

You can plan either a March Madness party, or a St. Patrick's Day party, or both! It is up to you!

Think of all the fun things associated with St. Patrick's Day: shamrocks, leprechauns, and everything green! To plan your St. Patrick's Day party:

1) Learn about the history of St. Patrick's Day. It will be fun to tell all your partygoers about how the holiday came to be.

2) Decide on your decorations and music.

3) Decide on your food. Will you make traditional Irish foods? Or will you serve only green foods? :)

It's Tournament Time!

March is the month that basketball fans wait for all year! The NCAA tournament is the perfect occasion to throw a sports-themed party.

How can you carry your basketball theme through the whole party? Will you have a basketball cake? Games? Trivia? What game will you watch? Will everyone dress in team colors? What music will you have?

Here are some ideas for throwing a March Madness Party!

(* If you want your guests to guess who will win, everyone can print a bracket at home and bring it to the party!)

Party Ideas:

Sunday, February 7

Valentine's Day Party Planning

It's February, and you know what that means: Valentine's Day is around the corner! Many restaurants, museums, and other attractions charge a lot of money for people who want to celebrate Valentine's Day... so your challenge this month is to "create" a Valentine's Day party that will not cost a lot of money.

Think about:
Where will you go?
What will you do?

Homemade Valentine's Day cards
Who are some people that you think should be appreciated this year? How can you send your thanks and love in a handmade valentine?
Homemade Valentine's Day "treats"
Think of the people you wish to appreciate. What treats would make them happy? A few cookies? Cupcakes? Maybe something that is not food: a nice bookmark, a poem, photograph...

Here are some great websites where you can find ideas for making Valentine's cards, gifts, and treats.

Post a list of your Valentine's Day party ideas here. Post ideas for creating cards and gifts. Finally, post a finished photo of your creations.

Monday, January 18

Assignment #4: Happy 2010!

Happy New Year! The beginning of a new year is a good time to set goals for yourself for the upcoming year. In honor of the year 2010, let's make lists in sets of 10.

What are your goals in the following categories? You can post your answers in the Comment section of this post.

10 New Things to Try

10 Creative Things to Make

10 Party Possibilities for 2010

10 Favorite Things from 2009 to Try Again